





New Year, New Beauty!

Wondering how you’re going to kick your New Year beauty up a notch? You’ll love what these bright and shiny beauty advances can do for you.1. Charcoal mask Give your face a New Year glow with this tox
What’s the buzz? Honey is one of nature’s most amazing gifts. This sweet, syrupy nectar made by hundreds of busy little bees has a wide variety of different uses, from creating beeswax and helping sta
You’ve heard you should consume collagen daily, but have you heard of hydroxyproline? Hydroxyproline is at the heart of what makes collagen so important. Here’s why. Collagen is a structural protein.
Feeding our skin from the inside is easy on a vegan diet. But you might be surprised to learn that many of the beauty products we use can contain animal ingredients. Check out these skin-loving plant-
Guys, listen up! Just like certain nutrients are extra important for women, some are key for men. Even if you eat a perfect diet, chances are you’re missing out on one or more of these essential nutri
Read the first chapter of our Immunity Series here. While the world is focused on the rapid spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, the global public health community echoes what the natural

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