





Salsa Verde Chicken

Consider this easy, breezy recipe a little bit of comfort food with Latin flair for a howling winter night. Nutritious pumpkin seeds are an ideal thickener for the bright sauce. And you can transform

Sesame Seed Crusted Salmon

Sesame seeds add a nutritious crunch to buttery salmon and prove a weeknight meal can bring some gastro magic. Can’t find wild salmon? Rainbow trout or arctic char are good swaps.Going plant based?  T
Feeling burnt out? With COVID-19 dominating headlines everywhere, we’re all feeling a little more on edge than usual. If you’re self-isolating at home with nothing to do, it’s totally normal to get tr
We love our moms, and with Mother’s Day right around the corner, it’s time we celebrated them for everything they’ve done for us. But with the COVID-19 epidemic still encouraging physical distancing r
Last week, we asked the team at alive how they’ve been keeping up their beauty routines from home during the COVID-19 epidemic. Making sure our hair looks good is one thing, but what about simply stay
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the world are feeling anxious and full of questions about staying healthy. While supporting your immune system is a top priority, mental health is just as i

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