Leah Payne






Splish, Splash

Congrats! You’ve given yourself permission to settle into a warm, luxurious soak.Looking for a little rest and relaxation away from the everyday hubbub? What better way than to soak all your cares awa
It’s an exciting time in the world of natural beauty, with people everywhere flaunting what makes them unique. Here’s why embracing our natural beauty—so-called “flaws” and all—is possible and powerfu

Water and Our Skin!

What does water have to do with skin? A ton, as it turns out! Our skin is awash in water—30 percent water, in fact—and keeping it there can help make our complexions healthy and happy. Water and our s
Seeing red? In the mirror, that is. Dry, red, irritated skin can be caused by a multitude of factors, but it can also be prevented and treated by natural means. Your skin is unique When trying to diag
I have a secret: once a month I menstruate. Although that’s not really a secret, is it? So why does our culture make us feel that periods need to be hidden? We hide our period products when we walk to
Have you heard of hyaluronic acid? You’re likely familiar with the term, since this star ingredient is included in everything from skin creams to joint supplements. However, you may not know exactly w

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