Gardening with kids can sow the seeds of a lifelong love of plants, the earth, and nature\'s wonders. As well as sharing an outdoor activity, you can teach your child about environmental stewardship.Ma
Did you know that being in a garden can change how kids see healthy eating? And getting their hands dirty could help protect our rapidly shrinking farms? Here’s why.If you ate today, you can thank Can
What comes before the cool winter adventure? Planning, of course.What every winter getaway needs—aside from a sense of adventure and wonder—is some planning. Along with basic supplies such as water, s
Where to find positive screen time online
A blogger and mother of five, Patti Barnes knows a thing or two about positive screen time for kids. Here are some of her recommendations.
YouTube playlists a
I write about happiness and about the struggles of modern life. My inspiration comes from my own experiences, good and bad, from my hometown and the people that live around me.
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